Louisville Lectures

Open Access Medical Education

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Targeted Temperature Management Post Cardiac Arrest with Dr. Jill Gualdoni

In this lecture, Dr. Gualdoni helps us to understand the history of targeted temperature management as well as new developments. She discusses the theory behind hypothermia. We then look at how to cool and how long to cool. Lastly, we look at how rhythms can make a difference.

Jill GUaldoni, M.D.


Pulmonary Critical Care Fellow - PGY6

Fellow Profile

Dr. Gualdoni is a third year pulmonary critical care fellow at University of Louisville. She attended Medical School at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, East Lansing, MI. She then completed her internal medicine residency at William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI. After her PCCM graduation Jill is continuing her medical education at Stanford University in her sleep fellowship.

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