Fungal Infections with Dr. Alex Ng
In this brief lecture, Dr. Ng brings his approach on how to diagnose and treat the most common fungal infections in the pulmonary world. He breaks down fungal infections into two main classification groups, mold and yeast. He also goes over the classifications of antifungals.

Alex Ng, M.D.

Dr. Rivas Perez is an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Louisville. He completed medical school at West Virginia University, his residency at Charleston Area Medical Center/West Virginia University – Charleston Division . Dr. Ng completed his pulmonary critical care fellowship at the University of Louisville and later returned as faculty. Visit his faculty profile here.
Featured Publication:
Kim RY, Ng AM, Persaud AK, Furmanek SP, Kothari YN, Price JD, Wiemken TL, Saad MA, Guardiola JJ, Cavallazzi RS. Antibiotic Timing and Outcomes in Sepsis. Am J Med Sci. 2018 Jun;355(6):524-529. doi: 10.1016/j.amjms.2018.02.007. Epub 2018 Feb 21. PubMed PMID: 29891035.
In the current lecture Dr. Galvis will discuss ARDS and evidence based treatment for ARDS. The lecture includes fluid management, ventilator strategies, rescue therapies, and ECMO.
In this lecture Dr. Guardiola discusses severe asthma. First, he looks at pathogenesis and phenotypes. Then he reviews the definition of severe asthma. Lastly, he gives us his roadmap on addressing severe asthma.
In this lecture, Dr. Gualdoni helps us to understand the history of targeted temperature management as well as new developments. She discusses the theory behind hypothermia. We then look at how to cool and how long to cool. Lastly, we look at how rhythms can make a difference.
In this week’s mechanical ventilation lecture Dr. Cavallazzi look explains how to revise the main parameters to monitor respiratory mechanics in patients on mechanical ventilation. Then he talks about how to identify and correct asynchrony.
In the second lecture of our series on mechanical ventilation Dr. Cavallazzi, walk us through important concepts in mechanical ventilation ARDS, Ventilator induced lung injury (VILI), Ventilation strategy in ARDS, Individualize apprach to PEEP, Prone position and ECMO.
This lecture kicks off Dr. Rodrigo Cavallazzi’s Mechanical Ventilation Lecture Series. In this lecture Dr. Cavallazzi brings an introduction to mechanical ventilation and elaborates in essential concepts like the equation of motion, modes of mechanical ventilation and Acute respiratory failure. In the upcoming weeks Dr. Cavallazzi will go more in depth with various lectures on the different aspects of mechanical ventilation.
In this brief lecture, Dr. Ng brings his approach on how to diagnose and treat the most common fungal infections in the pulmonary world. He breaks down fungal infections into two main classification groups, mold and yeast. He also goes over the classifications of antifungals.
Bronchiectasis is described as permanently dilated thick-walled large airways. In this lecture Dr. Hiram Rivas - Perez brings an updated version of his lecture on Non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis.
In this lecture, Dr. Ramirez explains the systematic approach to lung transplantation. He explains how the waitlist works. Common questions are answers including the cirteria for posible candidates and the requirements for those patients added to the waitlist.
Some items in this lecture may have come from the lecturer’s personal academic files or have been cited in-line or at the end of the lecture. For more information, see our citation page.
We hope you've enjoyed our first set of lectures from the 2018 -2019 academic year. We will be taking a short break from posting this summer in order to keep our lectures fresh and relevant. We will be back in the fall with new content. See you soon!
- PulmCrit Louisville Lectures