Louisville Lectures

Open Access Medical Education

Committed to sharing Internal Medicine focused lectures as free open access medical education.

Filtering by Tag: Altered Mental Status

Delirium with Dr. Zachary Sager

Dr. Sager presents Delirium and how common it is through various statistics before explaining the Delirium DSM- 5 Criteria. He then discusses the many paths that lead to the development of Delirium and why that makes it so difficult to treat as well as the diagnosis of Delirium and the different risk factors involved like dementia, immobility, sensory impairment, etc. While treatment is hard to come by, Dr. Sager discusses the different treatments available.

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Boot Camp: Phase 3

Louisville Lectures welcomes you to the third phase of our Boot Camp series.  We continue presenting high-yield, critical topics that are useful to starting interns. 

Phase Three

Or Anything But Cute

This week, we will look at two highly anticipated videos, Acute Kidney Injury by Dr. George Aronoff and Acute Mental Status Changes by Dr. Charlene Mitchell.

Catch up - Phase One & Two

If you missed phase one & two, now is your chance to view them.


Acute Kidney Injury

In this Lecture, Dr. George Aronoff provides a working definition of acute kidney injury and discusses relative risks of AKI, a practical clinical algorithm for diagnosis and a rapid approach to treatment.

Click here to claim your CME credit after viewing the presentation.       

Acute Mental Status Changes

In this Lecture, Dr. Charlene Mitchell gives a thorough talk on altered mental status including clinical features, risk factors, epidemiology, pathogenesis, management and prevention. A must for all house staff officers, intensivists and hospitalists! 

Click here to claim your CME credit after viewing the presentation.       

Some items in this lecture may have come from the lecturer’s personal academic files or have been cited in-line or at the end of the lecture. For more information, see our citation page.

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