Louisville Lectures

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Health Disparities: Food Insecurity and Food Deserts with Dr. Jennifer Olges

Dr. Jennifer Olges presents "Health Disparities: Food Insecurity and Food Deserts" by first defining food insecurity and food deserts. She then compares and contrasts hunger and food insecurity and describes the scope of the issue in Louisville/Jefferson County as well as in the clinic population. After, Dr. Olges describes the clinical implications of food insecurity and finally, reviews the process for accessing the food bank in the AIM clinic.

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JENNIFER OLGES, m.D., m.p.h., f.a.c.p.

Dr. Jennifer Olges is an Assistant Professor in the University of Louisville Department of Medicine and serves as an Associate Program Director for the Internal Medicine Residency Program.

Dr. Olges received her bachelor's degree in biology at the University of Kentucky in 1998. She began her residency in a combined internal medicine and pediatrics program at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN and completed her training at Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, IL. She remained at Loyola University as an Assistant Professor in Hospital Medicine before moving back to Louisville in 2016. Clinically, she serves as an inpatient teaching attending at University Hospital. Learn more about her here.


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