Hyperkalemia with Dr. Christian Matar
Dr. Christian Matar
Dr. Christian Matar is a Med Peds resident at the University of Louisville. Learn more about him here.
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Lecture Graphics
ECG Findings:
1. Peaked T wave
2. PR interval prolongs
3. Prolonged QRS
4. Loss of P wave
5. Sine wave pattern
7. Asystole
3.5 - 5.5 meq/L
Added Fisherman
“Imagine a Fisherman”
Fisherman hooks onto T wave and pulls
1. Peaked T wave
2. PR interval prolongs
3. Prolonged QRS
4. Loss of P Wave (Can cause: ectopic beats, conduction delay)
~ 8 meq/L
5. Sine wave pattern (leads to asystole, vfib, PEA)
~ 9 meq/L
7. Asystole
Other Graphics:
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