Louisville Lectures

Open Access Medical Education

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CV Prevention for the Internist: Life's Simple 7 with Dr. Lorrel Brown

Dr. Lorrel Brown is here to present something a little different: CV Prevention.  Dr. Brown first lists Life's Simple 7 approach to prevention of cardiovascular disease as well as how to apply appropriate screening methods for LS7 in clinic patients. She then discusses how to properly treat conditions associate with LS7 and and finishes by giving examples of simple recommendations for patients to move towards ideal cardiovascular health. 

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Dr. Brown is an Assistant Professor at the University of Louisville and is the Associate Director of the Cardiovascular Medicine fellowship. Her medical training was completed at Johns Hopkins University. Although a new faculty member, she recently won the Clinical Faculty Teaching Award from the residents. Her areas of interest in cardiac critical care, post-graduate medical education, and in-hospital cardiac arrest. Her faculty profile can be found here

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