Louisville Lectures

Open Access Medical Education

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Ultrasound Physics with Dr. Nunley

For internists not inclined towards cardiology or critical care, an ultrasound might be merely a diagnostic test to be ordered. Research and expertise in this field are expanding rapidly, however, and an affordable handheld ultrasound that can easily be carried in a white coat is likely not many years away. In this lecture, Dr. Nunley discusses the basic principles, physics, and concepts behind ultrasound to establish a foundation for moving forward with additional training. 

David Nunley, MD, FCCP, FCCM

Dr. Nunley is a Professor of Medicine on faculty at the University of Louisville. He is the Clinical Director of the Lung Transplant Program at Louisville and is a teaching attending in the MICU. He has received multiple awards from national organizations including UNOS, American College of Chest Physicians and American College of Critical Care Medicine. His faculty profile can be found here.

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