Dr. Lorrel E.B. Toft
Dr. Toft is an Assistant Professor at the University of Louisville and is the Associate Director of the Cardiovascular Medicine fellowship. Her medical training was completed at Johns Hopkins University. She recently won the Clinical Faculty Teaching Award from the residents. Her areas of interest in cardiac critical care, post-graduate medical education, and in-hospital cardiac arrest. Her faculty profile can be found here.
Aortic Stenosis and General Valvular Principles
(Or When Aortic Stenosis Gets Ugly)
Dr. Lorrel Brown gives a thorough review of aortic stenosis using cases: from making the diagnosis to management for asymptomatic and symptomatic stenosis including TAVR. She finishes with important clinical pearls to safely care for patients with aortic stenosis.
Cardiac Tamponade and Miscellaneous Cardiomyopathies
Dr. Lorrel Brown returns to discuss tamponade cardiac physiology (including demystifying pulsus pardoxus). She continues to cover the differentiation of constrictive and restrictive cardiomyopathies. This action-packed lecture concludes with stress cardiomyopathy and HFpEF (heart failure with preserved ejection fraction).
Emergency Arrhythmias 101
(Or Why Electricity is Good For Patients)
In this lecture, Dr. Lorrel Brown distills the scary heart rhythms into easy to remember principles and helps ease the heart pains of house staff officers.
Dr. Lorrel Brown recaps the electrical system of the heart then uses cases to discuss AV blocks and interprets many EKGs! Here is your chance to get inside the brain of a cardiologist!
Shock and Hemodynamics in the ICU
Dr. Lorrel Brown covers the basics of shock including how to recognize cardiac shock from history, physical exam and invasive monitoring. She discusses physiology and interpretation of pulmonary artery catheterization and then covers choice of vasopressors for therapy.
Mechanical Complications of Myocardial Infarctions
Dr. Lorrel Brown covers the common (and less common) results of MI using cases. She includes papillary muscle rupture and mitral regurgitation, free wall rupture, ventricular septal defects, right ventricular infarct, pseudoaneurysm, aneurysm, pericarditis and bradyarrhythmias.
Acute Coronary Syndromes 101
In this action-packed lecture, Dr. Lorrel Brown covers ACS basics: coronary perfusion, types of myocardial infarction, and how to diagnose MI using history exam and EKG findings. She reviews ACS risk scores, acute treatment of ACS and some common pitfalls.
Hypertensive Crisis
Dr. Brown describes hypertensive crisis as having severely elevated blood pressure with end-organ damage. She then discusses the pathophysiology of end organ damage along with the different treatment approaches for hypertensive crisis.
Cardiac Arrest: Can Education Improve Outcomes?
CPR skill retention rates under current methods of instruction and finishes with different ways in which ongoing educational efforts seek to improve outcomes following cardiac arrest.
CV Prevention
Dr. Brown first Life's Simple 7 approach to prevention of cardiovascular disease as well as how to apply appropriate screening methods for LS7 in clinic patients. She then discusses how to properly treat conditions associate with LS7.
Cardiology Boards Review
Dr. Lorrel E.B. Toft returns to the University of Louisville to deliver a much needed Boards Review on Cardiology.